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Seeing Rome Through New Eyes

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Experiencing Rome for the First Time
Shining a new light on Rome

We turned off the Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, and my body swayed with the motion of the taxi, happy to finally be in Rome. After days of stressing out about meeting my niece at the airport (since we both arrived from different countries), I was finally able to relax in the back of the taxi. An hour earlier, it was a different story. When I rounded the corner at the airport and scanned the area anxiously, I saw her sitting waiting for me, looking slightly nervous and tired. Relief swept over me like a tidal wave upon seeing her.

I am a solo traveler, but more than that – I am a solo person. Basically, this means that the only responsibility I have in my life is myself; if I screw up, I only have to me to blame and disappoint (which I do quite often!). However, this latest ‘project’ of mine to travel with my nieces has really thrown me into a new status – leader.

Becoming a leader

When you lead, you are not only thinking of yourself; you have to think about the people following you; if not, then you turn into a dictator, I suppose. When I use the term leader, I don’t want you to think that I feel I’m important because I’m not. I just now have someone I’m responsible for, someone who is looking to me to get them places, take care of them, and ultimately keep them safe.

Discover the dirty side of Rome, Italy

I had experienced this feeling of responsibility only once when I traveled with my father to Nepal; I remember the weight I felt upon my shoulders. Quite frankly, I don’t know if my niece, Bethany, was looking for me to be responsible for her, but I’m positive her parents were expecting those things!

Bottom line, I was nervous; yes – me, nervous. I’ve traveled all over the world and done tons of questionably sane things as a solo traveler, but now leading someone else through independent travel, and especially when my whole family was watching, was more stressful than eating lamb brains, driving a motorbike in Vietnam, or jumping out of a plane.

Experiencing Rome for the first time

Experiencing Rome for the First Time
View of Governo Vecchio from our apartment balcony

Bethany suddenly let out a shriek, which brought me back out of my solo thoughts and raised my blood pressure. When the taxi rounded the corner and turned onto Governo Vecchio, we had turned onto a typical little ‘this is too narrow for a car’ street that Italy and much of Europe is famous for. Her shriek was a combination of “Are you kidding me?” and “This is cool!” reaction. It was then that I realized Bethany was seeing Europe for the first time, and that meant that I would be seeing Europe for the first time again – through her eyes. All of a sudden, I was excited about the prospect.

The taxi slowly inched down the partial pedestrian, narrow street with inches of space on each side and ‘pushing’ pedestrians out of the way. Bethany watched in amazement and was convinced that we shouldn’t be driving a car on this street. She pointed out all of the tiny little cars parked within inches of each other on the street; quite a different site from SUV-riddled America for sure. I sat back and smiled, thinking about all of the things that she would be discovering that make Europe uniquely different from America, with narrow streets and small cars being top on her list right now.

Experiencing Rome for the First Time
Bethany is next to one of the many mini-European cars!

Seeing Rome with fresh eyes

That evening, after getting all settled into our spacious apartment, we went for a stroll to nearby Campo di Fiori.  As we walked there, she was surprised to learn that people here ate dinner later; the restaurant we wanted to go to wasn’t even open yet, and it was 7 PM.  We instead sat and had a drink in the crowded piazza, watching the eclectic happenings of the Campo on a Saturday night. I had been here many times before, but as I looked across the campo at the street performers and vendors, I felt like I was seeing it with new eyes.  This niece project had more benefits than I realized, and I’m pretty positive there will be many more to come.

Disclosure: ‘Go with Oh’  and Oh-Rome Apartments hosted our accommodation in Rome. However, all of the opinions expressed here though are my own – as you know how I love to speak my mind!

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  1. I love the idea of a niece project! My sister is eager to have kids, and I am so excited for the day I get to be an aunt and hopefully show my nieces/nephews the world! What a lucky niece she is to have an aunt like you!

  2. I keep trying to convince my nieces to travel with me, as I’d love to show them some of the world, but so far I have no takers, which completely mystifies me. If someone had made that offer to me when I was 19 or 20 I’d have jumped on it so hard! Lovely that you’ll be seeing Roma all over again through new eyes.

    1. Well – I have 6 nieces – odds are a couple won’t take me up on the offer…but hopefully I’ll get them all to participate in some way!

  3. Hi, Sherry!
    I imagine what it was like for Bethany to be in Europe for the first time…The same happened to me: being almost 18 and Rome as the first european destination. I can remember the little things that surprised me and the bliss to walk through Monti and Trastevere. I got the opportunity to come back two years ago and the thrill was still there, seeing new things and remembering old ones. She’ll surely have this trip with her forever!
    I had already read your niece project post, but only today I realized that maybe that’s something I can put in practice too one day: my nephew, who’s only six, is already an avid curious about the world: when I come back from my trips, we spend some time looking at the globe, displaying the flags I bring him and telling stories. I can tell he loves it 🙂
    As always, on the wait for new posts.
    A big kiss!

    1. – the anti-mall is such a great place to take pics. i took some here about a year ago for the Zurns (remember Janae kirkland from senglis ward?)your lighting is so good, these pics turned out great.November 4, 2009 7:47 pm

  4. I can’t wait to have a similar experience in a few years with my niece. I had the same impressions with the cars and streets in Rome my first visit. My husband and I played “Smart Car” instead of “Slug Bug.” We quit after the first day with sore arms. Ha! Love following your adventures.

  5. Traveling with your nieces is such a lovely idea. I traveled through France and Italy with my family last year (I’m living in Europe, they were visiting Europe for the first time) and it was such a delight to see everything through their eyes, and watch them discover Europe’s charms and curiosities. Looking forward to your Berlin posts!

  6. Isn’t it lovely to be the first to share a well loved and known place with someone? It’s one of those special gifts the Universe gives us.

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