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Natural Light Photography in Rome, Italy

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Rome, Italy Photography
Piazza della Repubblica in bright afternoon sun

Rome, Italy photography

I’ve been to Rome many times before and I’ve even taken my camera and shot many photos there.  However, with each year I improve in my photography, so this trip was quite special for me as I was able to finally get some of the shots I’ve always wanted to get.  I tried to play with the light more and find unique ways to highlight the sites at all times of day with natural lighting.  For amusement (and to see how far I’ve come in 4 years) – you can see an old photo documentary I did of the dirtier side of the city here – Rome’s Dirty Little Secret. Granted, I still have a long way to go, but it’s always fun to go back to a place and see improvement; it means you are growing.

Being in Rome this time with a better camera and better skills was fun, and going with my niece made it even more fun as everything was new to me through her eyes.  I loved seeing what pictures she took and what caught her eye.  Next week I’ll be writing all about our Rome experiences and sharing more photos of these specific places, but this should good pre-show!

View all photos of Rome Here

Rome, Italy Photography
St. Peter’s Basilica shines with a ray of light
Rome, Italy Photography
Tiber River on a clear spring day
Rome, Italy Photography
Sant’Agnese in Agone at Piazza Navona
Rome, Italy Photography
Trevi Fountain at night
Rome, Italy Photography
Rome, Italy Photography
The inner workings of the Colosseum
Rome, Italy Photography
Laundry hangs to dry in the neighborhood of Trastevere
Rome, Italy Photography
The pyramid at the Non-Catholic cemetery in Testaccio
Rome, Italy Photography
The Pantheon at night
Rome, Italy Photography
The Vatican’s Sun
Rome, Italy Photography
Fountain at Piazza Navona

If you’d like to purchase any of these photos, just click on the image for more information.


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  1. Rome is one of my all time favorite city! You’ve really captured its spirit in photo. Even though I’ve been a few times before, I’m always itching to go back. Maybe because I’ve tossed one too many coins in the Trevi. 😛

  2. You captured it beautifully, particularly the dimly-lit ones. That’s hardest for me to master. I really liked how you caught the bird in flight above the Vatican. Well done.

  3. Nice photos. But are you sure that’s St. Mark’s? It looks for all the world like St. Peter’s. Also “a building” in Piazza Navona is the church of Sant’Agnese in Agone (St. Agnes in Agony).

    1. Oh my – you are absolutely right…you can tell I’m not catholic – I get all of the church names and saints mixed up! thanks for the name of the Navona building too – I had no idea of that. Will update now!

  4. I love Rome. I lived there for a few months while I was in college and have been back a couple of times since. Seems like I can’t seem to stay away… and your beautiful pictures make me want to visit again really soon!

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