Tips for long haul flights

Flying Tips on How to Deal with Long Flights

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The Niece Project 5.0 had a bumpy start. We had no idea that simply getting there would be so hard. Throughout the continuous bad news of delays, lost luggage, and changed itineraries, I thought about the learnings and flying tips we could take away from it. Specifically, I thought about the lessons it would teach my niece, Lindsey, about travel and how to deal with customer service agents, as she would be making the journey back home alone.

Our flight and journey from Minneapolis to Auckland New Zealand via Sydney was supposed to be 30 hours and that’s a long time to be on a plane and in airports. Both Lindsey and I were used to long flights, and we both strangely liked them too. Here’s what we did to combat the long journey time.

Tips on How to Prepare for Your Long-Haul Flight

My Number One Flying Tip – Wear Compression Socks

Wear compression socks – I can’t stress this enough. I nearly died from getting blood clots on a long flight (you should definitely read about my near-death experience), and it can happen to anyone.  Most doctors will recommend compression socks for long flights. The pressure these stockings put on your legs helps your blood vessels work better and helps prevent DVT.

Before you go ‘Ewwww’, compression socks are not simply for old ladies, most of the major sock vendors make compression socks now and they have really cool designs! I love the Vim & Vigr Fashion compression socks! Stockings with higher numbers have a higher level of compression. The recommended tightness for DVT is between 30 and 40 mmHg.

After that scare, I also religiously wear compression socks on any flight over 3 hours.

Learn about compression socks for travel – what, why, and how

My top pick
VIM & VIGR Compression Socks & Sleeves

Compression socks are great for faster muscle recovery and to fight blood clots on long flights or long road trips.

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Wear comfortable, breathable clothes – you may be in them for a long time

My number one flying tip – comfort, comfort, comfort. Especially if you fly economy like me! This is probably the most important thing you can do on a long flight. We were prepared with our Exofficio travel gear. Good long-haul flight clothes should be stretchy or loose-fitting, have lots of pockets, and be breathable – and bonus for elastic waistbands! Bring layers in case you get cold like I do on long flights. For our long flight, we went for comfort and Lindsey wore her Bugs Away SolCool Jacket and Bugs Away SolCool Pant (Jogger).  And I wore my Zhanna Reversible Leggings and Bugs Away Lumen Hoody.

Be Prepared with an Alternative to TV

Sure – most long-haul planes offer entertainment these days, but I’ve been on a few that haven’t (Ahem… American Airlines to Spain and China Eastern…) – horror! Plus – I actually get tired of staring at a screen 15 inches in front of my face for 14 hours, so I try to make sure I bring other options to give my eyes a rest. Before you go, download your favorite podcasts or music on your listening device. There’s even a podcast that will put you to sleep called Sleep with Me. The host just drones on about stuff that is so boring it actually makes you fall asleep! Lindsey had another great idea, she downloaded some standup comedy tracks from Spotify and we listened and laughed to it the whole trip! Give your eyes a break and just listen for a bit.

Take Your Shoes Off

Your feet naturally swell a bit on long flights as you aren’t moving much, so make sure you wear some comfy socks or even bring some slippers, take off those tight shoes, and get comfortable. Your feet will thank you for this flying tip.

Get up and Stretch

Speaking of moving around, do yourself a HUGE favor and get up every few hours and walk around the plane. Stand in an area out of the way if possible and do some stretching. Ever since I had a big scare with blood clots and pulmonary emboli in my lungs after a long flight I walk around religiously.

Keep Your Chargers Handy

Make sure you have your laptop, phone, and iPod chargers nearby. On a 14-hour flight, you are bound to have to charge something. Not all planes have in-seat charging – so you will want to bring a portable charger of your own just in case.

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02/19/2025 05:48 am GMT

Always Say Yes to Water

flying tip drink water
Say YES!

Drink, drink, drink – water that is. Sure a little alcohol won’t kill you either (see below), but water is your lifeline on a long flight. The flight attendants are walking up and down the aisle with trays of water for a reason…you need to stay well hydrated to combat jet lag, sickness, and the general dryness of the air in the pressurized cabin.

And I recommend you bring your own water bottle – that way you aren’t needlessly using a plastic cup and being a responsible traveler!

Klean Kanteen 16oz (w/ Café Cap)

One of the things I like about Klean Kanteen is that they have a system where you really just need to purchase one insulated bottle and then use their interchangeable caps for your different needs; caps for sipping drinks, straws lids for cold drinks, or chug caps. One bottle is really all you need!

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02/19/2025 06:18 am GMT

Bring a Neck Pillow

neck pillow

Lindsey didn’t have a neck pillow, but she quickly purchased one in LA.  It was probably the best purchase she made – it was certainly the most used on her trip. She got my favorite style, the memory foam neck pillow and it was her savior on the long flight. In fact, she barely ever took it off, I just got used to seeing it on her!

Make Sure You Sleep

For a long flight like this – it’s good to bring along things that will make you sleepy as you really do need to sleep a little on long flights. Things like Dramamine, an antihistamine, or Melatonin (more natural) work well. Or just have a couple of glasses of wine with your dinner and that should also make you pretty drowsy! Just don’t forget to also drink water!

Plan for Things To Go Wrong

flying tips for long flights

As much as you don’t want to believe it will happen to you…it will. Something may go wrong in the trip and you’ll be stranded. Here are a few ‘what to do when things go wrong flying tips’; there are a few things you can do to plan for that and make your ‘wrong time’ a little easier.

Take Pictures of Your Suitcases

I snap a photo of all of my suitcases before I leave just in case one is lost or delayed in transit. When you are at baggage claim filling out forms describing your missing suitcase or bag, it’s much easier to just show them a picture and let them describe it on the form. I did this for this New Zealand trip and it sped up my time at baggage claim considerably.

Lost luggage flying tips
The bags I traveled with to New Zealand

Pack In-Case Items

On a long flight, my best flying tip is to put a couple of extra items just in case in your carry-on. Lindsey carried on for her flights, but I couldn’t. However, at the last minute, I took a few items from my checked bag – underwear, pants, shirt, pjs – and put them in her carry-on. This proved really handy as when we were delayed for 24 hours in LA, I actually had a change of clothes- whew! I also wore my Reversible Leggings which meant instead of one pair of leggings I essentially had two! It’s also wise to make sure you pack any prescriptions/drugs and toothbrush in your carry-on too for any long flight.

Wear Things That Dry Quickly

You very well may be missing luggage for a while and having clothes that dry fast allows you to wash things out in a hotel sink overnight and have them dry in the morning! This is why most of my suitcase is filled with running clothes and Exofficio clothes as it’s all quick dry!

quick dry clothes
Quick dry clothes!

Purchase Travel Insurance

Many credit cards have some level of travel insurance provided if you purchase the airline ticket with that card, or look into separate travel insurance. I’ll be putting mine to good use on this trip as I had to pay for extra hotel nights because of the delay. I use Allianz Travel Insurance Annual Plans so that I am covered for an entire year and don’t always have to remember to buy it for each trip!

What to do When Things Go Wrong

Don’t panic…you’ve planned for this by using the flying tips above! You’ve got this!

flying tips for long flights

Stay Calm

I’m not good at this myself – but I do know that you get better results dealing with customer service agents when you are kind than when you are a bitch.

Ask for What you Deserve

Don’t be afraid to ask for things like a hotel and food. Many times airlines don’t offer this unless you ask. I asked and got Lindsey and me a hotel and food in LA, but the young girl next to who was also stranded thought she was going to have to sleep in the airport until I suggested she ask for a hotel. Since it was a delay that was the airline’s fault, they gave her the hotel, all she had to do was ask.

Be Vigilant

Don’t assume people will do what they say they are going to do. I was told I would be called and notified when they located my bag in Sydney – but I wasn’t. I hadn’t heard anything from anyone. Finally, I called and learned they had already found my bag and had transported it to Auckland. I was supposed to be contacted but wasn’t.

With all of these flight tips – you are ready to get through that long-haul flight…it’ll be a breeze! Put your seatbacks in their upright position and buckle your seatbelts, we’ll be landing soon! See how fast that long flight went when you do a little prep beforehand and bring the right things!


I worked with Exofficio as part of the Niece Project to bring you this post, however all gushing about and love of their clothes are purely my opinion!
My website can contain some affiliate marketing links. That means that I get commission paid if products and services I write about generate sales. And it means you are helping to support this little blog of mine – THANKS!
My editorial content, however, is not influenced by merchants nor by affiliate partnerships.

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  1. You got my attendtion wit the pod cast “Sleep wit Me” haha
    I hope you found some warm things to sleep in Antartica.
    FYI its Groung Hog day and Phil saw his shadow Winter is not over.
    I’ll be skiing and boarding Colorado March 4-12th

  2. Thank you for the good tips! This helps a lot. What a wonderful idea! Comedy tracks are great fun! Music and my eBook-reader are very important to me during a flight. I love to relax with a good book on a long flight. It helps to forget the travel stress.

  3. I love your Niece Project Sherry! Makes me wish I had nieces. I read this post the day after I came back from the Canary Islands on Azores Airline. First time flying that airline, and guess what? It had no entertainment system on an 8-hour flight! Nothing to drown out the whining/crying babies who barely stopped for a minute. It’s a good thing I love sudoku.

  4. Good list. I’d be lost without my kindle on long flights. Taking pictures of your luggage is a good idea – need to remember that one, Stretching your legs on a long-haul flight and travel insurance are also both a must!

  5. There are some good advice for travelling a lot. I barely travel with planes, since I mostly go around Europe, but when I do, there are quite short flights (2-3 hours). And even then I get bored. Most of the time, I get some show(s) on my itunes (on my tablet, easy to handle) and the flight goes easier. Even with crying babies near.

    I do like the idea of a comfortable pillow to have on the plane. I use one of those on my car trips (when I’m not driving and I’m on the passager side, of course) and it joyful.

    There are some great advices. On the next long travel will certainly get handy 🙂

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