
Enemies and Friends in Normandy

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Normandy American Cemetery
Graves, as far as you can see, are pristinely placed in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial.

I stood staring at the wide expanse of Omaha Beach, squinting my eyes and trying to imagine what that historic day was like. D-Day seems so far away now – ancient. My mind was swimming in thoughts amplified by the fact that I was here visiting this WWII Normandy invasion sight with my European friends – Germans, Brits, and Dutch. It hit me then – how amazing this beach was.

I looked at the blue water lap onto the beach calmly with people who I would never have met if June 6, 1944, wouldn’t have the outcome it did. Here – a place where Germans, Brits, and Americans fought a fierce battle and marked the end of so many young lives. It was because of that battle and loss of life that the 7 of us all were together – we came in peace from various countries as friends. It felt strange. But it felt good.

I had never really been interested in World War II before. Sure, I vaguely remember my history teacher, Mr. Durham, reading about it from our textbook in High School – snore. I memorized what I needed to do and then promptly forgot about it. As I grew older, I saw a few movies about it – but I never found them as fascinating as the more modern conflicts in Vietnam, the Cold War, or the modern history of Cambodia (probably because I had spent some time in those countries during my travels). But as I stand looking at the vastness of Omaha Beach in Normandy with my European friends, I realize that what it takes for me to be interested in history is simply a closer connection.

Travel is Education

World War II has my full attention now that I’m here in Normandy. It just goes to show you that everyone learns differently – I’m definitely an ‘on-the-ground’ visual learner. Through travel, I have developed a new thirst for history and world knowledge mainly because I can get out and actually see it as opposed to reading it in a book. As a side note – for all of you who think that families are crazy for pulling their kids out of school for a year to make a year-long trip – they are not crazy. To me, they are brilliant. Putting the learning right in front of them gives them a reason to want to learn more and actually see and talk to the people involved as opposed to hearing it from their teacher or reading it in a book.

Supplementing the Experience With a Little Hollywood

The night before visiting the WWII sights in Normandy, my friends and I spent the night watching the old movie The Longest Day. Watching John Wayne, Robert Wagner, Richard Burton, and Henry Fonda defend the Allies was pretty uplifting for depicting such a violent day. I’m not sure if it was the black and white footage, the iconic actors, or the basic production of the movie – but in the end, I thought – now I know why people felt proud to fight this battle. The whole mood of the movie was one about loyalty, camaraderie, and nationalism.

However, the next night, we watched the more modern take of D-Day, Saving Private Ryan, a movie I had strangely never seen before. It had the exact opposite effect on me. The graphic footage and depiction of areas that we were staying so close to were haunting. The feeling was intensified since we had just visited many of the sites that day. After the gut-wrenching ending, I thought a lot about how WWII was probably the last conflict that all Americans could get behind and support our involvement in. Wartime conflicts seem so different now – much more complicated. Kind of like a color movie with surround sound– more vividly complicated.

The Sites

Together, my friends and I went to the American Memorial cemetery, the German cemetery, Omaha Beach, the Airborne Museum,  the village of Sainte-Mère-Église, and Pointe du Hoc where rangers scaled up the rocky cliffs to try to secure the beach. Each of these sites were beautifully and respectfully maintained and all equally moving.

German WWII cemetery normandy
German cemetery Normandy. Groups of 5 dark stone crosses are scattered across the field in a beautiful layout.
American WWII memorial cemetery normandy
American Memorial Cemetery. Rows of perfectly placed white crosses as far as you could see.
Pointe du Hoc Normandy WWII
Pointe du Hoc cliffs, where US Rangers climbed up to secure the area under deadly gunfire.
Airborne Museum Normandy
The Airborne museum housed old equipment and uniforms of the airborne teams, which landed off of their planned course on that fateful day.
Omaha Beach Sculpture
Omaha Beach WWII Memorial

I don’t exactly know why – but Normandy got under my skin in a big way.  It made me think and consider the world as a whole, my travels, as well as my relationships with others.  It also took me back to my childhood and brought back many memories of my father and his views on his time in the service.  It made me consider how that time and battles like D-Day shaped his worldview.  I can’t put my finger on it – but Normandy was a very special destination for me – I felt as if my brain and thoughts had awakened after a long hibernation.

However, I still can’t help but think that the whole experience intensified for me since I was there with friends from the countries involved in these battles. Visiting the German cemetery, in particular, was a strange feeling.  The whole cemetery, with its black stone crosses in groups of 5, felt dark and unsettling, yet respectful.  It was even stranger to visit it with German friends by my side. It was a conflict between our countries that put these boys in their graves that we stare at now.  Once enemies, now friends. 

It’s at these times that I feel how important it is to strive for peace and greater understanding in the world. Who knows – maybe one day, my nieces will travel with their friends from North Korea, Iraq, or Afghanistan. Time can bring many changes. Hopefully, we continue to move in the direction of understanding and peace.

See all WWII Sight Images from Normandy

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  1. This was by far my favorite thing to see in the world (so far). I was moved, emotional, everything under the sun. I stood on Omaha Beach and just looked out for what seemed like forever. I stood in that little round chapel in the middle of the cemetary with a tear in my eye looking at the drawings above the ceiling.

    I wished I saw the memorial on the beach. We dropped in at a different location and never made it over there.

  2. What a beautiful post, Sherry. I majored in history in college because Schindler’s List affected me so deeply. I took every course I could that touched on the history of Europe or on Germany, specifically. I was completely fascinated by how the Nazis did what they did and how WWII happened. As a result, visiting Normandy and seeing the memorials is definitely on my list of things to do. I think you may have just helped push it up higher on that list. 🙂

  3. Beautifully written post, Sherri. I remember visiting the cemeteries last summer and I was so distraught by the atmosphere of the place that pretty much all my photos suck. I don’t have a single good photo of those places. But I don’t mind, because I will always remember in my heart how it felt like to be there, and how it moved me. Visualizing the soldiers, the death, the horror was just too much!

  4. To me, there is nothing more hauntingly beautiful than a military cemetery. It gives me chills to know that these men gave their lives to protect our way of life and they deserve to be honored so beautifully.

  5. It’s interesting to read your response to this locale. Nothing can compare with experience which makes travel a fantastic opportunity to learn and connect with cultures around the world and with their history. It is profoundly powerful to visit sites like this and you captured the weight of it’s history, your personal connection and the unexpected beauty of the experience.

  6. I love Normandy. As a child I loved reading everything about World War II. My favorite move was “The Longest Day.” This interest in WWII led me to major in history in college. I was so happy to finally be able to visit Normandy last year. It remains one of my favorite travel experiences.

  7. Great photos Sherry. Your sentence “Travel is Education” is something I also feel strongly about. We dedicate a good amount of our travel time and budget to visiting historical war sites, and these pictures just help remind us why. Thank you for sharing!

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