pushing a car

Mongol Rally 2011

4 Bloggers
2 Continents
15 Countries
9000 miles (14,500 km)
Countless Flat Tires
1,000 Wrong Turns
Hundreds of Dollars in Bribes
Thousands of Dollars in Equipment and Travel

Yes, I really did this.

What was it:

Social Media Syndicate Mongol Rally

The Mongol Rally is an unsupported road rally from London, England to Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia. In July, 2011 four well-traveled, and some may say crazy travel bloggers set out on a 10,000 mile journey to Mongolia.   This was no fluff press trip…this was us against the open road, in a car that was not meant to be driven to these lengths.

Crossing 10,000 miles over unforgiving deserts, perilous mountain ranges and non-existent roads, we will faced the possibility of bandits, breakdowns and corruption while navigating our way through 13 countries and 2 continents. Oh yes, and not a one of us had any mechanical knowledge.

Read our story from the beginning to the end

The Mongol Rally 2011 – The Ultimate Road Trip

 pushing a car

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