astana kazakhstan
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Kazakhstan’s Secret City – Astana

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astana kazakhstan
Landscaped Park of the New City of Astana

I expected poor roads, hot days, car issues, team disagreements, dirt, hunger, and communication challenges. But there was one thing I didn’t expect – Kazakhstan. The 9th largest country in the world has knocked me off my feet…my smelly, hot , dirty mongol rally feet.

The environments and unfortunately road conditions in Kazakhstan change wildly form day to day and hour to hour. However it’s the cities that have stunned me. For example – does anyone even know the capital of Kazakhstan? I didn’t until a 2 days ago when I saw it on the map and we pointed our Mongol Rally car in its direction.

When we arrived in the capital city of Astana it blew us away. Here was an ultra modern city with high rises and architecture that rivaled Hong Kong and Valencia. The parks were planned out beautifully with landscaping. All of this urban planning was surrounded by big malls of course. Yet none of us experienced travelers had even heard of it before. It was as if we had discovered the Emerald City of Oz.

Locals were out strolling along the parks taking photos – and of course staring since we seemed to be one of about 100 tourists that I think actually come here a year! A guy in the mall actually stopped us and said he had only seen people like us on TV and never in person.

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Astana Architecture

I wandered around with my camera wondering how such a city could go so unnoticed by the world? I felt like an explorer and it helped that everyone looked at me as if I were Lewis and Clark on expedition!

Kazakhstan even had ice skating rinks in their malls, western chain stores, and street entertainment. You know you are heading towards in the right direction when you have street performers!

astana kazakhstan break dance
Break dancer entertaining me in the park in New Town Astana

The city of Astana will not remain a secret for long – so get here any way you can…yet I don’t know that I suggest you drive all the way from London like we did!

Astana Photography:

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    1. expensive!! I can’t say that the food was anything special. However strangely there are many sushi places!

  1. I love the floral carpet photo. What a surprising city – if I’d been asked, I’d have assumed it would have been one of those soulless characterless Soviet style cities. Whata shame you don’t have more time to explore these remote exotic places during your madcap Rally.

    1. I’ve arrived in Mongolia now – we drove from London! Not sure where next…need a little time to recoup after the mongol rally!

    2. I see you do Antarctica trips…that’s always been a dream of mine to take my dad there! Maybe that will be next! Will check out your site.

  2. Understandable, you must be exhausted from the drive. That’s re-defining a road trip in my book!

    Antarctica is lovely. The colonies of emperor penguins get me every time. 🙂

  3. Amazing! Who knew what a cool city Astana was? Not me. It kind of reminds me of a friendlier, less hostile version of Dubai for some reason. And look at that blue sky. Great colour and good shots in this set.

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